
The Hon. Ben Carroll

Minister for Industry and Innovation
Minister for Manufacturing Sovereignty
Minister for Employment
Minister for Public Transport
Before entering Parliament, Ben was a policy advisor and lawyer. He also worked as volunteer lawyer at a community legal service.
Ben has always been heavily involved in his community and sees himself always working in roles supporting disadvantaged Victorians. This is what prompted him to run for Parliament.
The priorities Ben has for his community are to ensure that everyone has access to an education that will better their chances in life, updated transit options, and a vibrant, welcoming Niddrie economy that they can be proud of. He says that public policy is about building accessible and supportive environments for communities, as well as preserving the natural environments that we are lucky to live in.
Ben’s vision for Victoria’s future is that it provides lifelong learning options from early childhood to mature age. He also wants Victoria to become a world leader in mental health, with wellbeing support services that provide empathy, structure and relief.
The area of public policy he is most passionate about is strong action on climate change. Ben believes that Victoria must stand as a global leader in the creation of a zero-emissions, renewable workforce.

The Hon. Ben Carroll

Minister for Public Transport, Industry and Innovation, Manufacturing Sovereignty and Employment

Minister for Industry and Innovation
Minister for Manufacturing Sovereignty
Minister for Employment
Minister for Public Transport
Before entering Parliament, Ben was a policy advisor and lawyer. He also worked as volunteer lawyer at a community legal service.
Ben has always been heavily involved in his community and sees himself always working in roles supporting disadvantaged Victorians. This is what prompted him to run for Parliament.
The priorities Ben has for his community are to ensure that everyone has access to an education that will better their chances in life, updated transit options, and a vibrant, welcoming Niddrie economy that they can be proud of. He says that public policy is about building accessible and supportive environments for communities, as well as preserving the natural environments that we are lucky to live in.
Ben’s vision for Victoria’s future is that it provides lifelong learning options from early childhood to mature age. He also wants Victoria to become a world leader in mental health, with wellbeing support services that provide empathy, structure and relief.
The area of public policy he is most passionate about is strong action on climate change. Ben believes that Victoria must stand as a global leader in the creation of a zero-emissions, renewable workforce.